*¡Hola a todxs!*
*Hoy hace cuatro años que autopubliqué mi primera novela,* *“PARANOID
Y ayer terminé el borrador de su tercera entrega, el fi...
100th Anniversary: The New Yorker
*The New Yorker* celebrated its 100th birthday on February 17th. And with
it the magazine's own iconic fictional character Eustace Tilley, drawn by
Rea Irv...
Glass Beauty
$100 - 8x10" original watercolour on paper
I spent the day at the awesome Spadina Museum here in Toronto. They have
many beaut...
What Should You Know about Lentils?
Lentils are small, disk-shaped legumes commonly used in cooking. They are a
staple food in many cultures and are known for their high protein and fiber
The White Fauness
Here's an early original sketchbook pencil drawing that I did years ago
named the White Fauness.
I just recently used this character in my new pandemic bi...
Pirate Stuffy
Here is a pirate Stuffy panel from a recently released Doc McStuffins
episode I storyboarded a while ago. I keep forgetting that I still have my
This blog is on hiatus, if you are interested in receiving updates on my
work please check out these online resources:
my Instagram account
my Tumblr accou...
Trappola per orco
[image: trappola per orco]
*Non sono un vampiro*.
Lo so che sembro essere in attività solo di notte ma si tratta di pura e
semplice necessità.
Playing cards for Kaspersky Lab
- Straight Flush I suppose...
Exclusive playing cards in the steampunk style especially for Kaspersky
Each character represents a particular virus a...
Afton - First Day of Summer (us 1977)
Afton - First Day of Summer (us 1977)
Formed: Danville, VA, United States
* Dane "Do Do" Williams (electric guitar, vocals),
* Jim Dooley (keyb...
help an underdog!
Lately I’ve been fostering dogs for Underdog Railroad Rescue. They’re a
local rescue that is foster-only, saving small dogs from high-kill shelters
in Sout...
Win a naked turtle! Original Grickle art giveaway!
[image: https://www.patreon.com/grickle]
There's never been a better time to become a Grickle patron than now!
Beginning this March I will be giving away ...
February/March Girl Redux
Well hello there! Again!
Much like last year, I find myself in the predicament of having some 2017
Calendars left over past the New Year - and by some I...
Are you out there?
Hi gang!
I'm considering a commitment to frequent posting again.
If you're interested - please comment. I love your feedback and much as I
love hand draw...
Cari bipedi,
pensavate che fossi morto?
Pure io.
...e invece!
Come l'araba fenice risorge dalle ceneri, pure io faccio qualcosa di simile.
Magari non sono pr...
Finally, I have some big updates for this blog! I am thrilled to announce
that 2 titles I am working on this year have gone public, and will be
available f...
Wisata Kuliner Bali Female Daily
Jika anda berlibur bersama keluarga di *pulau bali* selain berkeliling
melihat pantai gunung taman dan berbagai macam tour lainnya anda juga wajib
harus me...
Star Wanderer
It was a period of great boredom.
The Wander Over Yonder Crew,
having one of several extended lunches,
discussed ideal cross-overs for their
beloved orang...
New website!
As you can see, this blog hasn’t been updated in years. Please point your
browser to my new site: www.flimflammery.com See you there!Filed under:
Invitation to gallery shows and party!
Dear all,
We would love to invite you to a series of up-coming summer gallery events
and parties!!
1) *Book launch party of Acquerello III* on June, 20t...
J'ai une boutique Etsy
J'ai ouvert une boutique Etsy où je vends cette série d'aquarelle que j'ai
appelé "des enfants et des jardins"... parce qu'elle est constituée
d'enfants da...
Hi folks! This is my last post on this blog, I'm moving my business to
Tumblr! I'm keeping the blog open for the archives, you can now follow my
work at ...
If you've been on FACEBOOK recently, and your in the animation industry,
then you know that On Friday August 22nd, a SILENT AUCTION for SIMON CHUNG
will ta...
Portrait of Chloe Drawing
Portrait of Chloe Drawing
18in x 24in Acrylic on Canvas
Here's a portrait I did of my daughter along with the initial charcoal
Graphic recording
Graphic recording during Book Lauch Event, Social Media Strategy.
Moderator: Claudia Magri.
For Lardi and Partner Consulting GmbH
Size: 140x117 cm. Real-T...
San Diego Comic Con 2013 my Schedule
*2:00 - 3:00 Gumshoes 4 Hire signing*
Booth: #2544 TableTaffy (behind the Marvel Booth)
*4:00 - 5:00 Gurihiru's signing *
Campagne RATP
Voici les 4 illustrations que je viens tout juste de réaliser pour la
nouvelle campagne de la RATP, je suis très content du résultat et je
remercie toute ...
THIS MAN'S ARMY was a mini-comic I did as a limited edition offering at the
Small Press Expo back in 2004. It was completed over a 3 or 4 day period,
if I ...
Kids and cartoons...
Hey folks! Sorry about the long break in posting. Things have been pretty
busy around the Lambey household the last few months. My wife and I just
had our ...
Yeah! i remeber them and the krauten accent of kindermerendero! These were nice times! Phabio
I agree with monsieur khaos!!!
nice times of Madness,destruction e krauten!
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